Despite September normally heralding the beginning of the wet season in Bailundo, it only rained twice during this month. This did mean one ParkRun event was cancelled, but the other 3 events took place as usual. Parkrun events can vary from as few as 12 participants to an average of around 30-40, and some events with up to 100 participants. We endeavour to ensure that events run every week regardless of the number of participants, and that different children and young people get the chance to be volunteers in the various volunteer roles. Now that there is more moisture in the air and some rain has fallen, some of the participants like to collect flowers to make bouquets, or collect edible mushrooms to take home (yes, they know how to identify which are edible and which are not!).
This month marked National Read a Book Day (for the USA). Since we like any excuse to encourage a love of literature, we celebrated at the Nganja Park with our BiblioKwenda (Mobile Library). The BiblioKwenda is an initiative inspired by seeing mobile bus libraries in Australia. In this case it is obviously much smaller - a portable bookcase and a backpack full of books - but no less significant. Currently the Bibliokwenda travels to the Hanga school once a week where students and residents can come and read during the morning period.
This month Votoka has provided funding to help complete one of the classrooms at Nganja Park - with doors and windows, a cement floor, tables and chairs, and a new coat of paint. Once this work is done, we will be able to set up a fixed library at Nganja. Work is expected to be completed by the end of October.