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Empowering Women Through Obstetric Fistula Treatment

Updated: Apr 19

Empowering Women Through Obstetric Fistula Treatment Our organization is dedicated to providing holistic treatment and support to women in multiple provinces in Angola, helping them regain their strength and dignity. Through our Obstetric Fistula program, we offer a range of services including health provider and midwife training, repair operation campaigns, trauma counseling, and reintegration support. Obstetric fistula is a devastating childbirth injury that affects millions of women worldwide, particularly in developing countries. It occurs when a woman experiences prolonged and obstructed labor without access to timely medical intervention. This can result in a hole between the birth canal and the bladder or rectum, leading to chronic incontinence and social isolation. One of the key aspects of our program is health provider and midwife training. By equipping healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to prevent and treat obstetric fistula, we aim to reduce the incidence of this condition. We believe that prevention is crucial in addressing obstetric fistula and ensuring the well-being of women in our communities. Repair operation campaigns are another important component of our program. We organize and support campaigns to provide surgical treatment for women who are living with obstetric fistula. These surgeries are life-changing for the women involved, as they can help restore their continence and allow them to reintegrate into their communities. Trauma counseling is an essential part of our holistic approach to obstetric fistula treatment. We understand that the physical effects of obstetric fistula are often accompanied by emotional and psychological trauma. Our trained counselors provide support and guidance to help women heal from their experiences and rebuild their lives. Reintegration support is the final step in our program. We work closely with women who have undergone treatment to ensure their successful reintegration into their communities. This may involve vocational training, education support, or assistance in starting small businesses. We believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to live a full, healthy, and productive life, and we are committed to helping them achieve this. Through our Obstetric Fistula program, we are making a difference in the lives of women in Angola. Our unique approach, rooted in love and hope, sets us apart from others working in this field. We are dedicated to raising awareness about obstetric fistula and raising our organizational profile, so that we can continue to expand our reach and help more women in need. Join us in our mission to empower women and create a world where every individual has access to the necessary conditions for a full, healthy, just, happy, and productive life. Together, we can rise up with love and hope and make a lasting impact on the lives of women affected by obstetric fistula.

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